Government Executive: Congressional earmarks – otherwise known as “pork barrel spending” – may be coming back.
For decades, earmarks paid for pet projects back in lawmakers’ districts, with the tacit aim to earn those lawmakers votes. In turn, the awards encouraged legislators to vote for large spending...
Colleges and universities are grappling with a host of complex issues capable of shaking the very foundations of Higher Ed. Discover how forward-thinking leaders are solving critical challenges in Higher Ed with flexible, adaptable IT that enables the responsiveness and agility to support an array...
Checked your FITARA score lately? On track with OMB’s Datacenter Optimization Initiative (DCOI) and Cloud Smart Policy? Are you taking full advantage of the Modernizing Government Technology Act (MGT) or Technology Business Management (TBM) methodology? If your answer to any of these questions is no,...
State and local governments are reacting to the COVID-19 pandemic by implementing new models of telework and remote-access IT solutions. As the pandemic response – and its lasting impact – are fully understood, many state and local governments are taking bold steps to avoid provisional...
Future-forward State and Local Government Agencies, like San Mateo County in CA, are moving beyond legacy telework and automation solutions to deliver sophisticated IT capabilities that enable continuity of essential services when crises occur -- and position them for success in the “new normal.” Find out...
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