House Approves Tax Deal That Would Retroactively Boost Mass Transit Benefits

Government Executive: The House on Wednesday approved a measure 378-46 that would retroactively provide federal employees and all American workers with a much larger mass transit benefit for 2014.

The benefit fell nearly in half in 2014, but the 11th hour agreement on a broader package of tax provisions would restore the subsidy to $250 per month, just more than the 2013 level.

Government Executive: The House on Wednesday approved a measure 378-46 that would retroactively provide federal employees and all American workers with a much larger mass transit benefit for 2014.
The benefit fell nearly in half in 2014, but the 11th hour agreement on a broader package of tax provisions would restore the subsidy to $250 per month, just more than the 2013 level.

Government Executive: The House on Wednesday approved a measure 378-46 that would retroactively provide federal employees and all American workers with a much larger mass transit benefit for 2014.

The benefit fell nearly in half in 2014, but the 11th hour agreement on a broader package of tax provisions would restore the subsidy to $250 per month, just more than the 2013 level.

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