Water privitization: Is it a wash?

American City and County: Since 2003, numerous U.S. municipalities, including Atlanta, Indianapolis and others have reclaimed control of their water supplies, ending less-than-favorable public private partnerships (PPPs).

According to a new report released by Corporate Accountability International and the Public Services International Research Unit, titled Troubled Waters: Misleading industry PR and the case for public water, 33 cities have remunicipalized (or taken back control of) their water systems – five in the past year. In 2014, 10 more have set the legal wheels in motion to regain control. Globally, the number of cities remunicipalizing water exceeds 100.

American City and County: Since 2003, numerous U.S. municipalities, including Atlanta, Indianapolis and others have reclaimed control of their water supplies, ending less-than-favorable public private partnerships (PPPs).
According to a new report released by Corporate Accountability International and the Public Services International Research Unit, titled Troubled Waters: Misleading industry PR and the case for public water, 33 cities have remunicipalized (or taken back control of) their water systems – five in the past year. In 2014, 10 more have set the legal wheels in motion to regain control. Globally, the number of cities remunicipalizing water exceeds 100.

American City and County: Since 2003, numerous U.S. municipalities, including Atlanta, Indianapolis and others have reclaimed control of their water supplies, ending less-than-favorable public private partnerships (PPPs).

According to a new report released by Corporate Accountability International and the Public Services International Research Unit, titled Troubled Waters: Misleading industry PR and the case for public water, 33 cities have remunicipalized (or taken back control of) their water systems – five in the past year. In 2014, 10 more have set the legal wheels in motion to regain control. Globally, the number of cities remunicipalizing water exceeds 100.

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