Report recommends ways to reduce re-offending

Arkansas News: LITTLE ROCK — State Community Correction officials testified before a legislative panel Tuesday on recommendations they said would reduce the number of Arkansans who return to prison after being released.

Act 1190 of 2013 required the state Department of Community Correction to produce a report containing recommendations for reducing the state’s recidivism rate, defined as the percentage of people who return to prison within three years of release.

Arkansas News: LITTLE ROCK — State Community Correction officials testified before a legislative panel Tuesday on recommendations they said would reduce the number of Arkansans who return to prison after being released.
Act 1190 of 2013 required the state Department of Community Correction to produce a report containing recommendations for reducing the state’s recidivism rate, defined as the percentage of people who return to prison within three years of release.

Arkansas News: LITTLE ROCK — State Community Correction officials testified before a legislative panel Tuesday on recommendations they said would reduce the number of Arkansans who return to prison after being released.

Act 1190 of 2013 required the state Department of Community Correction to produce a report containing recommendations for reducing the state’s recidivism rate, defined as the percentage of people who return to prison within three years of release.

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