Former NSA agent shares insights for simplifying health data security

Healthcare IT News: The fog of war is an old expression that refers to the chaos during battles, and the inability oftentimes to understand what happened throughout combat. Tony Sager, senior vice president of the Center for Internet Security, referred to the data security realm today as the fog of more.

“The challenge today is where the fog comes in: There are too many security resources and organizations are left sorting out these ‘magic beans’ and marketplace claims and conflicting consulting opinions,” Sager explained. “For most defenders, it is just overwhelming. Where do I begin, what do I convince the boss we need to pay attention to? If you think of this as a fog problem, then everything comes down to priority. Defenders have limited budgets, limited time and limited attention from the boss, so everything you do in defense needs prioritization. What is the problem I am really trying to solve?”

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