Rising health care costs prompt creative solutions

American City and County: Most local governments have seen costs of heath care for employees and retirees increase over the past five years anywhere from 6 and 15 percent. These changes have prompted several cities and counties to change their benefit strategies.
Cost increases are due to a variety of reasons, including increased claim and prescription drug costs, aging workforces, insurance price increases and changes to federal health care policy, according to a nationwide survey released by the Center for State and Local Government Excellence (SLGE).

American City and County: Most local governments have seen costs of heath care for employees and retirees increase over the past five years anywhere from 6 and 15 percent. These changes have prompted several cities and counties to change their benefit strategies.

Cost increases are due to a variety of reasons, including increased claim and prescription drug costs, aging workforces, insurance price increases and changes to federal health care policy, according to a nationwide survey released by the Center for State and Local Government Excellence (SLGE).

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