Alaska Freezes Out Wind Energy

Renewable Energy World: The two largest private wind energy projects in Alaska were froze out in February, stalled through decisions made by the Regulatory Commission of Alaska. Proponents say the impact is more than loss of green jobs and clean air; in the case of the Delta Wind Farm (DWF), it is threatening residents’ lives.
The air quality in Fairbanks is significantly worse than Beijing. Bundled up for weather that’s been hovering around 30 degrees below zero, people are caught between freezing to death in the dark and dying prematurely from inhaling carcinogenic PM2.5.

Diesel fuel oil generators in nearby North Pole are a two-fold problem for Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA). In addition to high costs, emissions from the generators help create the dense grey blanket of small particle pollution that covers Fairbanks during cold inversions.

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