Solar-Powered Airports Are Taking Off Worldwide

Renewable Energy World: Have you ever stared out of your airplane window during takeoff? You’re most likely faced with the acres of clear land surrounding the runway or the expansive roofs of various airport terminals. Just imagine the power that could be gained if all of that empty space were used for renewable energy purposes.

This vision is becoming a reality at major airports in the U.S. and around the globe as the cost of solar PV systems drop and incentives increase. Solar energy systems are increasingly being installed on the roofs of airport terminals and parking garages, as well as on the land surrounding tarmacs. This trend presents a unique usage opportunity for copper, which is required for solar technology to operate. PV systems are copper-intensive, in part because sunshine is dispersed over a wide area and because the system needs to be connected to the larger electrical grid. Copper can also be used to drive the motors that tilt the solar panels toward the sun. In fact, renewable energy systems use up to five times more copper than traditional electrical generation.

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