Senate Puts Finishing Touches on Bill to Avoid a Shutdown

Government Executive: By the rules that guide it, the House of Rep­res­ent­at­ives is usu­ally able to move bills faster than the “cool­ing sau­cer” Sen­ate. But with the House be­set by di­vi­sions in its con­trolling Re­pub­lic­an Party, the Sen­ate has led the ef­fort to craft and pass the le­gis­la­tion that will avert a gov­ern­ment shut­down by the end of this month. And it looks like it will do so with time to spare.

Sen­ate lead­ers and ap­pro­pri­at­ors have spent the week­end try­ing to tie up the loose ends of a short-term bill that will fund the gov­ern­ment to Dec. 9. Lead­er­ship aides ex­pect to pass the pack­age this week, po­ten­tially al­low­ing vul­ner­able Re­pub­lic­an in­cum­bent sen­at­ors to go home a week earli­er than ex­pec­ted and cam­paign.

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